Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I am taking Internet marketing, social networking and career planning. However, after discussing it with my professor yesterday, with Professor Kimerly Taylor, it’s probably better that I switch to a self-paced career planning class, which is one unit, versus the three unit class. The difference is the three unit class is kind of a lecture style, whereas the self paced class, which is one unit, is much more independent, which suits me at this time. I was really impressed that Kimberly took so much time after class to discuss my career goals is such a frank manner. Having come from the workforce and back to school gives me a perspective about what I want in a job that gives me a great starting point for career counseling. I should probably explain that my choice to come SBCC was not in pursuing my first degree, but actually in gaining job skills I feel that I am lacking. I have a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from San Diego State University, and have spent the last year in a long job hunt. I decided that returning to school to learn the computer skills for marketing that I see in jobs that interest me will help me go from having a job to having a career. Pursuing my career is the major focus of the semester, which is certainly different from a lot of younger students (I am 23) who are figuring out who they are, and getting used to the college lifestyle, perhaps living independently for the first time. While I feel a little bit different in that respect, when it comes down to it, I am still figuring myself out, and I still feel like I can connect to students around me.

Check out my Social Marketing Class here.

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