Thursday, November 18, 2010

Handling Stress

Well, I'm having kind of a stressful roommate situation right now.  I thought it would be helpful to share some tips on how to relax:

Project Hope, is a program at SBCC, whose mission is:  is to help students live balanced, healthy, & happy lives through sharing health strategies and information in fun, effective, and interactive ways.
They have a destress zone with tips on how to de-stress. Some helpful methods are excercise, deep breathing meditation and yoga etc. They have even more tips:

Tips to Reduce Your Stress:Feet up - relaxing

  1. Exercise daily - aerobics 30 minutes
  2. Allow 20 minutes in your day for total relaxation. Meditate, day dream, nap.
  3. Take a 10 minutes break every four hours in your work day.
  4. Take at least two weeks vacation every year.
  5. Organize work list. Check off list when work is done.
  6. Say no to overburdening tasks.
  7. Avoid a high intake of fat, sugars and alcohol.
  8. Socialize with friends one evening each week.
  9. Communicate feelings effectively. Don't keep them stored inside.
  10. Plan ahead. Have weekly, monthly, yearly projections and goals.
  11. Continue to grow and change. Don't stagnate.
  12. Delegate responsibilities.
  13. Laugh and express humor.
  14. Don't clutter your mind with worry. Focus on positive thoughts.
  15. Love and like yourself. Be proud

 And finally, I thought these 11 ways to destress and My Inspiration Lounge  are helpful to.

SBCC is full of resources to combat stress, whether its mediation in the library on Mondays, the yoga club, or just staring at the ocean. If those things aren't enough, counselors can provide support too.

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