Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Transfer Day

So today is November 30th. This is the admissions deadline for the UCs and Calstate schools. California has a great public higher education system- which was a factor in why family moved out from Massachusetts when I started high school. The admissions process, as I mentioned earlier for community college is very easy. However, the application process for the other schools is a little harder. This is a reason a lot of students choose to come to community college. The community college creates an environment designed to help prepare students inexpensively to get their ge's done, or general education classes, so that they can save money and still graduate from a UC or Calstate. I graduated from SDSU, so I'm kind of a fan of that school, but there are so many good ones. SBCC offers two programs I had never heard of before coming here, and I think they are pretty unique. The first is the Transfer Academy, which provides support for students and offers guaranteed admission:

The SBCC Transfer Academy has agreements with the following institutions (the following are links as well):
Private Institutions:
Antioch University
Brandman University
CA State Universities:
CSU Channel Islands
CSU Northridge*
San Francisco State University*
University of California:
UC Davis
UC Irvine
UC Riverside
UC Merced
UC San Diego
UC Santa Barbara
UC Santa Cruz

The other program is the Transfer Achievement Program which actually takes students on tours of many universities and provides comprehensive preparation to transfer. 

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