Thursday, March 3, 2011

My Dance and Soccer Class

So, as I mentioned before, I am taking Dance and Soccer class here at SBCC. I decided to take them back to back, which sometimes makes me really tired for soccer, but I still think makes sense. I have been trying to get more in shape doing the classes, so now I just need to add some outside excercise (because I pretty much just do the in class stuff) and eat better. I am really glad I enrolled in the classes. It takes a lot of time out of my day because I have to leave time to shower (they have locker rooms on campus for students taking PE classes), but it forces me to exercise when I otherwise would probably spend that time doing homework, cleaning or relaxing.

Right now my dance class has gotten quite a bit harder in the last week or so. We are working on doing turns, plies (kind of like a squat) and jumping across the floor. Last class I was really sweating, and definitely felt the burn. We are working in groups to create a quick routine. My group's routine is composed of me and my partner, Amber's, bit (which we made when my back was pulled and she was sick, so it's really easy), and the other two groups which involve some floorwork.

In soccer we have not changed what we do- we always practice passing the ball and then do a sort of scrimmage. I practiced with my boyfriend the other day at the stadium because we don't go over everything I want to, like stealing the ball and keeping the ball from being stolen. I wore my new cleats on Thursday last week and got a huge blister, so I switched back to my sneakers and seem to be doing okay.

Anyways, I am really glad I am enrolled in both courses. While dance is more instructional and soccer seems to be more along the lines of "just go play", I am getting a good workout from both and meeting people in those classes.

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